You can purchase our cupcakes directly through our online store by selecting the type you need and clicking "Place Your Order" or if you're looking for something custom, please fill out our Custom Order Form for an estimate.


Buttercream flowers or succulents are creatively designed and placed on each cupcake. Each dozen will have a mixture of different types of flowers or succulents unless specifically requested by customers to have one type for the entire dozen. All cupcakes by the dozen can have one flavor per dozen. One dozen is required for regular cupcakes and two dozen for mini cupcakes for a minimum order.


Mini – $55/dozen or $4.50 for each additional cake (minimum order: 2 dozen)

Regular – $75/dozen or $6 for each additional cake

Ready to order? You can place your order online by clicking the button below or if you're looking for something custom, please fill out our Custom Order Form for an estimate.

Cupcakes arrangement

The arrangements are created to resemble real floral arrangements with floral cupcakes. The floral cupcake arrangement starts at 5-7 mixture of small and regular-size cupcakes.

Basic containers are included with the purchase of a cupcake arrangement of 18 cupcakes or less. Any arrangements larger than 18 will be individually quoted.

Large or special containers can be rented or purchased. Prices vary depending on the size of the container. We ask that you return the rented container within 7 days. You are more than welcome to use your container.


small arrangement – $67/7 cupcakes* 
medium arrangement – $97/12 cupcakes*
large arrangement – $137/18 cupcakes*
Extra large arrangement – $189/24 cupcakes*
Any arrangements larger than 18 will be individually quoted. 

* The cupcakes will be mixed sizes between regulars and minis (80:20 ratio). Containers are typically wooden trays. It is included in the price for arrangements smaller than 18. Please note that the larger the arrangement is, the higher the container cost would be. I offer an option for a $10 refund if the containers are returned after the event. Please let me know if you are interested in this option. 

Ready to order? You can place your order online by clicking the button below or if you're looking for something custom, please fill out our Custom Order Form for an estimate.

monogram flower cupcakes

The Monogram Flower Cupcake boxes are beautifully presented. It is perfect for a party or as a birthday gift. Each custom letter or number cupcake box includes 12-15 mixed-size buttercream flower cupcakes.

One flavor per box, please and you must place your order at least three weeks before the pick-up date.


Price per letter or number:
small (8″) – fits 8-10* mini cupcakes per letter/number $55
medium (12″) – fits about 8-10* regular cupcakes per letter/number $75
large (16″) – fits 10-15* mixture of regular and mini cupcakes per letter/number $95

*These are the estimated amount of cupcakes per the shape differences of each letter/number. If for some reason we are not able to fit the least mentioned amount of cupcakes, we will include the extra cupcakes for you.

 Ready to order? You can place your order online by clicking the button below or if you're looking for something custom, please fill out our Custom Order Form for an estimate.

Rosette cupcakes

Basic buttercream piping. Colors can be requested to match the theme.
mini – $33/dozen or $2.50 for each additional cupcake
regular – $43/dozen or $3.50 for each additional cupcake

Ready to order? You can place your order online by clicking the button below or if you're looking for something custom, please fill out our Custom Order Form for an estimate.

Custom/themed Cupcakes

All other custom-designed cupcakes to match your theme
Price: starts at $80+

One dozen minimum order is required for all orders.